Thank you to our special donors who have helped keep Peninsula Symphony alive and vibrant during these difficult times. Our donor listing below is a compilation of total giving received between June 1, 2022 and September 26, 2023. We want to express our sincere gratitude to you for being so generous while we produced virtual content and remained connected during the pandemic.  Please contact Chelsea Chambers, Executive Director at for errors or omissions.

Risoluto ($50,000+)

California Small Business Administration
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

MAestoso al fine ($25,000 - $49,999)

Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation

Fortissimo: Very Loud ($10,000 - $24,999)

Katherine & Roy Bukstein
Maria Shim & Nicholas Fox
William Warren Wiesenfeld Trust

Crescendo: Becoming Louder ($5,000 - $9,999)

Gene Esswein
Sheri & Michael Frumkin in honor of Lori Krauss, David Fernandez, and Mitchell Sardou Klein
John Givens
Mary Gundelach in memory of Charles M. Gundelach
Diana Lloyd
Monte Mansir & Susanne Stevens
Ronald S. Miller
Deborah Passanisi in honor of Sheri Frumkin
William & Diane Reuland
Shriners Hospitals
Silicon Valley Creates
Jacqueline Smith in memory of Pieter Smith
Krista & Jerry Terstiege
Paula Uccelli in honor of Sheri Frumkin

Presto: Rapidly ($2,500 - $4,999)

Anonymous (6)
Anonymous in honor of Ruth and Roy Dunn
Anonymous in appreciation of Jeffrey Wachtel
Nathan Brookwood & Patricia Hendriks
Barbara Erickson
Joel Greene
Russell Hurley
Richard Izmirian & Sheree Kajiwara in memory of Dr. Diana Koin
Michael Marmarou
Vineet Mehta
Redwood City Arts Commission
Paul Schneider in memory of Amanda Smith Schneider
Jeff & Gwyn Wachtel

  • Anonymous (3)
    Apple, Inc.
    Janet Averett
    Kathryn Barnard & Kenneth Shirriff
    Robert & Barbara Brandriff in memory of Dorothy Lunn
    Martin Chai
    Gregory & Chelsea Chambers in honor of our dedicated musicians and staff
    Tom Cooper & Mary Hom
    Howard & Diane Crittenden
    Stanley Dirks
    Al & Liz Dossa
    Pamela Ferris
    Gayle Flanagan
    Lily Tian & Victor Ge
    Brad Gibson
    Alexandra Gillen and Hartmut Koeppen
    Patricia L. Griffin
    Juliet Hamak & George Yefchak in appreciation of Sheri Frumkin
    Benjamin & Kaoru Hollin
    Alan Kalman
    Mitchell Sardou Klein & Patricia Whaley
    James Kleinrath & Melody Singleton
    Lauren Koenig
    Alex Kurosawa
    Susan Lin in appreciation of Chelsea, Maestro, Jim, and All the Amazing Folks at PSO!
    Bill & Linda Malmstrom in honor of Sheri Frumkin
    Joe & Mollie Marshall
    Debra McLean
    Celeste Everson Misfeldt
    Teri Quick in honor of Brad Gibson
    Caroline & Chris Rackowski
    Alan & Spike Russell
    Jerry & Ellen Saliman
    Sara & Phillip Salsbury
    Marianne & John Silva-Oba in memory of Sharon Nora Silva
    Sue Larson Family Fund
    Suesan & Barr Taylor in appreciation of Bruce Moyer & Grant Parker
    Krista & Jerry Terstiege
    Todd & Andrea Weinman
    Wells Fargo Foundation
    Anne Wharton
    David A. Williams & Hilary Benton in appreciation of Sheri Frumkin
    Carolyn & Tim Worthington
    Y&H Soda Foundation
    Rachel Youmans

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in appreciation of the McGill Mahler Concert
    Anonymous in appreciation of Kay Saito Shafi
    David & Michelle Allmon
    Jim Augustus & Nichole Edraos
    Penny Barrows in memory of John Barrows
    Michael & Adrienne Bresler
    Kathleen Brown
    Albert Cha
    Sylvia & Fun Pang Chau
    Karin & Jim Chesnutt
    Erika Crowley in memory of Margot Haygood
    Don & Cathy Draper
    Hannelore Draper
    Anne Esparza
    Robert Fitt
    Meiying Forney & Steve Shatas
    Jim Fung
    Google, Inc.
    Dawn Grench in honor of Herb Grench
    Yukoh Hammura
    Brian Holmes & Jolynda Tresner
    Douglas & Susan Jacobs
    Amy Lit
    Susan Macy in honor of Anthony McGill concert
    Susan Magrini
    Angela Mogielski & Peter Cassini
    Beth Morris
    Anna Newman & Mueen Ghani in memory of Richard Newman
    Randy & Janie Nickel
    Craig & Wendy Nishizaki
    Peninsula Jewish Community Center
    Deb & Dan Ross in appreciation of Alan Russell
    David Sacarelos & Yvette Lanza
    John & Christine Sanguinetti
    Dorothy Saxe
    Margrit Rinderknecht & Richard Siemon
    Lorraine Smith in memory of Elsie Robertson
    Nathaniel & Marcia Sterling
    Anita Stewart & Kaj Rekola
    Jshon Thomas & Gary Carson
    Linda Wilson
    Hanna & Yoshihiro Yoshimoto

  • Anonymous (3)
    Anonymous in honor of Hanna Yoshimoto
    Judith & David Anderson
    Lianne Araki in memory of Edward C. Hattyar
    Susanne Bohl
    Katherine Boster
    Andre & Marina Broido in appreciation of Sheri Frumkin
    Dr. Patricia Campbell & John Miaullis in appreciation of the McGill Mahler Concert -
    Louis Caputo
    Jenny Chan-Sakauye
    Sharon Chortack
    Sloane Citron
    Judy Davis in memory of Harold and Marilyn Mindell
    John DeLong & Sharon Peters
    Nicholas Duncan & Renee Tostengard
    Nancy Farmer
    Barbara Gilmore
    Mateo Go
    Robert Goldware
    John Gookassian
    David Greene in honor of Big Monkey
    David & Elisa Herberg
    Ernst & Susan Hoyer
    Johnathan Hsu
    Mela & Peter Hwang
    Sanjiv & Jazz Kaul
    Sandy & Norman Koo
    Jeffrey Koseff & Thalia Anagnos in honor of Jeff Wachtel
    Kenneth Krieg & Carol Dolezal
    Ginger Kroft
    Larry Laskowski
    Eugene Lee & Claire Chang
    Nora & Galen Lemmon
    Marcia Leonhardt
    Harvey Lynch
    Linelle Marshall
    Kirt Minor in appreciation of Dane Carlson
    Pamela Moore
    Vonya Morris
    Michelle Oberman & Lawrence Marshall in honor of Maestro Mitch Klein
    Neil Panton
    Wesley & Linda Petit
    Laura Pitchford
    Frank & Annette Rahn
    Alison Ross in appreciation of Linda Dunn
    Bill & Sherrean Rundberg
    The Somersille Sibley Family
    Matt Springer & Wei Ai
    Judy & Ivan Streger
    Rachel Tasch
    Michael Tong & Luna Wang
    Mary Urbach in honor of Sheri Frumkin
    Barbara Weis in honor of Warren, Kay, and George Weis
    Cameron Wessel & Sapna Upadhyay
    Teri & Robert Whitehair
    Lan Zhang

  • Anonymous (6)
    Anonymous in honor of Sheri Frumkin
    Anonymous in honor of Gail Hammler
    John & Barbara Adams
    Karen Alden
    Michael & Merrie Asimow
    Jo Anne Bailey
    Wate & Johanna Bakker
    Barbara Barth
    Mark Beyer
    Lorraine Bodie
    Janice Boelke
    Juliette Bryson
    David & Janet Cain
    Alice L Carpenter
    Frank & Charlotte Cevasco in honor of Debbie Passinisi
    Mary Elise Clarity
    Joseph Coha
    Bill Enloe
    Howard Feinberg
    David Fernandez & Lori Krauss
    Melinda Fielding
    Shirley Foreman
    Ann & Stan Forman
    Kristine Forney
    Madeleine Frankel
    Nicole Galisatus
    Gilead Sciences, Inc.
    Marguerite Gonzales
    Lisa L. Gruman
    Ann Guerra
    Hillel Hachlili
    Linda Hagarty
    Yvonne Hampton
    Gayle Hansen
    Steven Hibshman
    Ward Hoffman & Karlette Warner
    Marshall & Roberta Hollimon
    Perry Hopkins
    Ben Hsu & Brenda Porter
    Jennie Johnson
    Marvin Kohn & Adele Salle
    Sandra Krakowski
    Sharon Krawetz
    Paul & Jackie Kuckein
    Lena Kuhar
    Amy Kuo
    Lori Lambertson in memory of John Biegenzahn
    Richard Leder & Cherrill Spencer in appreciation of Mitch Klein & the staff
    Kenneth Lum
    Judi McManigal
    Diane Merchant
    Amanda & Walter Mok
    Bruce Moyer
    Mary Ann Notz
    Donna Ornitz
    Anthony & Amy Oro
    Farrell Podgorsek in appreciation of Sheri Frumkin
    J. Richard & Karen S. Recht
    Marilyn Reisen
    Cheryl & John Ritchie
    Cynthia Robbins-Roth
    Heather Sanders
    Roy & Victoria Sasselli
    Marian Schmidt
    Dana Scoby in memory of Robert T. and Jane Anderson Cheatham
    John & Karen Scorsur in appreciation of Chelsea Chambers
    Kay Saito & Sayed Shafi
    Ruth A. Short
    Gang Situ
    Laura Sternberg
    Karl Talarico
    Anthony Tansimore
    Nicole Taylor
    Chris & Carol Thomsen in appreciation of Jeff Wachtel
    Maureen Thrush
    Carolyn Tucher
    Adam Wantz
    Andrew & Abigail Wen in appreciation of Thomas Shoebotham
    Alan Stern & Thomas Whatley